Chapter 30. Attribute References

An attribute reference is an attribute name (possibly followed by an additional parameters) enclosed in curly braces. When an attribute reference is encountered it is evaluated and replaced by its corresponding text value. If the attribute is undefined the line containing the attribute is dropped.

There are three types of attribute reference: Simple, Conditional and System.

Attribute reference evaluation

30.1. Simple Attributes References

Simple attribute references take the form {<name>}. If the attribute name is defined its text value is substituted otherwise the line containing the reference is dropped from the output.

30.2. Conditional Attribute References

Additional parameters are used in conjunction with attribute names to calculate a substitution value. Conditional attribute references take the following forms:

<value> is substituted if the attribute <names> is undefined otherwise its value is substituted. <value> can contain simple attribute references.
<value> is substituted if the attribute <names> is defined otherwise an empty string is substituted. <value> can contain simple attribute references.
<value> is substituted if the attribute <names> is undefined otherwise an empty string is substituted. <value> can contain simple attribute references.
<value> is substituted if the attribute <names> is defined otherwise the undefined attribute entry causes the containing line to be dropped. <value> can contain simple attribute references.
<value> is substituted if the attribute <names> is not defined otherwise the containing line is dropped. <value> can contain simple attribute references.
<value1> is substituted if the value of attribute <names> matches the regular expression <regexp> otherwise <value2> is substituted. If attribute <names> is not defined the containing line is dropped. If <value2> is omitted an empty string is assumed. The values and the regular expression can contain simple attribute references. To embed colons in the values or the regular expression escape them with backslashes.

Same behavior as the previous ternary attribute except for the following cases:

Substitutes <value> if <names> matches <regexp> otherwise the result is undefined and the containing line is dropped.
Substitutes <value> if <names> does not match <regexp> otherwise the result is undefined and the containing line is dropped.

The attribute <names> parameter normally consists of a single attribute name but it can be any one of the following:

  • A single attribute name which evaluates to the attributes value.
  • Multiple , separated attribute names which evaluates to an empty string if one or more of the attributes is defined, otherwise it’s value is undefined.
  • Multiple + separated attribute names which evaluates to an empty string if all of the attributes are defined, otherwise it’s value is undefined.

Conditional attributes with single attribute names are evaluated first so they can be used inside the multi-attribute conditional <value>.

30.2.1. Conditional attribute examples

Conditional attributes are mainly used in AsciiDoc configuration files — see the distribution .conf files for examples.

Attribute equality test

If {backend} is docbook45 or xhtml11 the example evaluates to “DocBook 4.5 or XHTML 1.1 backend” otherwise it evaluates to “some other backend”:

{backend@docbook45|xhtml11:DocBook 4.5 or XHTML 1.1 backend:some other backend}
Attribute value map

This example maps the frame attribute values [topbot, all, none, sides] to [hsides, border, void, vsides]:


30.3. System Attribute References

System attribute references generate the attribute text value by executing a predefined action that is parametrized by one or more arguments. The syntax is {<action>:<arguments>}.


Increments the document attribute (if the attribute is undefined it is set to 1). Returns the new attribute value.

  • Counters generate global (document wide) attributes.
  • The optional <seed> specifies the counter’s initial value; it can be a number or a single letter; defaults to 1.
  • <seed> can contain simple and conditional attribute references.
  • The counter system attribute will not be executed if the containing line is dropped by the prior evaluation of an undefined attribute.
Same as counter except the it always returns a blank string.

Substitutes the result of the Python <expression>.

  • If <expression> evaluates to None or False the reference is deemed undefined and the line containing the reference is dropped from the output.
  • If the expression evaluates to True the attribute evaluates to an empty string.
  • <expression> can contain simple and conditional attribute references.
  • The eval system attribute can be nested inside other system attributes.
Passthrough version of {eval:<expression>} — the generated output is written directly to the output without any further substitutions.

Substitutes contents of the file named <filename>.

  • The included file is read at the time of attribute substitution.
  • If the file does not exist a warning is emitted and the line containing the reference is dropped from the output file.
  • Tabs are expanded based on the current tabsize attribute value.

Sets or unsets document attribute. Normally only used in configuration file markup templates (use AttributeEntries in AsciiDoc documents).

  • If the attribute name is followed by an exclamation mark the attribute becomes undefined.
  • If <value> is omitted the attribute is set to a blank string.
  • <value> can contain simple and conditional attribute references.
  • Returns a blank string unless the attribute is undefined in which case the return value is undefined and the enclosing line will be dropped.
Same as set except that the attribute scope is local to the template.
Substitutes the stdout generated by the execution of the shell <command>.
Substitutes the stdout and stderr generated by the execution of the shell <command>.
Passthrough version of {sys:<command>} — the generated output is written directly to the output without any further substitutions.
Substitutes the contents of the configuration file section named <template>. Attribute references contained in the template are substituted.

System reference behavior

  • System attribute arguments can contain non-system attribute references.
  • Closing brace characters inside system attribute arguments must be escaped with a backslash.